My mother's mother is one of the most kind, honest, and genuine people I know. She loves her children and grandchildren and now great-grandchildren more than anything. She wears the pride they give her and the joy they bring her on her sleeve. She drops everything to play an active role in their lives (and continues to do so), supporting each and every step and misstep they choose to make. She may even very well be my daughter's most favorite person on the planet (besides Kelli and I of course).
My wife's mother is incredibly understanding of people and proudly protective of her own children. She is intelligent and worldly wise and has instilled in her children a drive to succeed and make the most of their life. She's a bit of a free spirit and embraces the company of other people. She's not afraid to strike up a conversation with anyone, usually even random strangers. In fact, she often proves how small our world is by discovering some previously unbeknown connection between them and her! Her children share this likable social trait.
I don't quite think I can adequately describe all that my mother means to me within a mere paragraph of words. She's humble, she's selfless, and she loves her family to pieces. There's not a thing she wouldn't do to support her children and she pours herself wholeheartedly into all of their endeavors. Her children are her world and when we succeed, she succeeds because we are imprints of her magnanimous self. Now she showers our children with love and kindness (and clothes) and we are so undeniably grateful.
And then there's my daughter's mother, who blows me away, more and more each day. Ironically, I see in her a bit of all these women. She shares my grandmothers' hard work ethic and willingness to please. She's determined yet open minded like her own mother and unselfishly generous like mine.
She's always positive and patient, and enjoys every moment she can spend with Charly and me. She's devoted to giving Charly the best childhood she can provide, especially when she's choosing to share herself with a classroom full of 4th graders. No matter how busy of a day she's had, she's never too tired to play blocks with Charly, or fill our driveway with sidewalk chalk artwork, or read her her favorite books over and over and over each night. The most exciting part about our family someday growing, is getting to see this woman shine as a mother.
Hands down, best moms.
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