We've been terribly lazy bloggers lately. We posted about Charly's birthday party but never about her accomplishments and habits at one year. And now she's 13 months old!
Some of our favorite things to post are pictures of Charly and when we only average one post a week (if we're lucky), pictures pile up quickly. In some ways, these pictures all show her personality better than we could describe it in words.
We swear this girl is destined to be a future Food Network Star. She loves being in the kitchen. Whether it's helping unload dishes, preparing food, rummaging through our cupboards, or inhaling anything edible standing in her path, she's always happy in the kitchen! Some of her favorites:
fresh strawberries (not frozen), mandarin oranges, mixed vegetables (especially carrots and green beans), and empty pop cans.
Charly loves going outside. Over Spring Break the temperatures finally rose, the snow finally melted, and we finally got to give Charly a ride in her Radio Flyer! She loved running up and down the driveway in her squeaky shoes (thanks Aunt Megan), and squinting up into the sun. She stands at the door now, pounding at the glass and whining, wanting to go outside. Just like a dog.
Charly used to love bath time. That is, when bath time took place inside her whale tub. In the last few months she has outgrown it and began taking big girl baths! She looks so tiny in the full tub. She loves to play with her toys and splash around but when it comes time to wash and rinse her hair, she throws a fit. She refuses to tilt her head back so its impossible to keep water out of her eyes while rinsing her hair. She hates it and often, screams bloody murder!
She does love playing in the bathroom sink though.
She's quite the comedian lately. There's times she just bursts out laughing at herself. Anytime there's laughter around she immediately assumes it's because of something she's done. So she plays it up. She's very proud of herself and claps all the time, like when she finishes a book or when she successfully escapes from a high chair in a restaurant and stands up inside it.
She jabbers and roams around in circles waving her arms, stomping her feet wildly, marching to the beat of her own drum. She nods her head from side to side and grins from ear to ear whenever men are around. Mostly family members: her grandpas, her uncles, her cousins, but really,
any men! Kelli's janitor. Student teachers. Mulligans bartenders. HyVee checkout men. I'm a little worried . . .
She's developed a soft side for her stuffed animals, especially her two favorite dolls and her puppy. The dolls were both gifts from her Grandma Henrichs and the puppy was a gift from her cousin Cooper (or was it Brooks?). Anymore she needs one of them in her arms to fall asleep and she loves inspecting all their parts. Eyes, ears, nose. She rocks them lovingly and pats them and carries them all over the house with her.
At 20.6 pounds she's earned the right to sit facing front in the backseat of the car. That is, until stupid Tara Thomas reported that research is recommending rear-facing until the age of two now! Whatever . . .
Here she is modeling her denim jacket . . .
And here she is taking her bat and going home . . .
Here she is loving her mommy (sort of) . . .
And here she is after getting scolded for whining to go downstairs . . .
She's a lover. She's a cuddler. She gives kisses on command. She rubs her hands softly on ours to ease herself to sleep and she loves backing into us on the floor and falling into our laps. She still likes to be held before she goes to sleep and Kelli won't be giving that up for a long time. She's transitioned into a toddler seemingly overnight and it's been a lot of fun to witness.
Cute pictures! My favorite is the baseball bat picture. The caption is perfect! Why did you make her sad, dad?
I'm with Ashley… the bat photo is priceless. I think you need to divulge the story behind it.
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