There isn't a busier month of the year than December. This year is no exception, thanks much in part to our new little girl.
I'd love to add up the amount of time it takes to change her diaper, pack her bag, put on her coat and winter gear, strap her in her car seat, and mosey on out the door. Even planning and preparing for a babysitter is time consuming! This is time we didn't have to spend last year. If we needed to shop for gifts, we'd grab our coats and we're out the door. If we had a party to go to, we'd throw on our ugliest sweaters and stay as late as we want! This year though, that overwhelming feeling of busyness is only magnified with her addition to our family.
It's definitely worth it though!

Charly's first ever Holiday experience was helping decorate our house the day before Thanksgiving. She helped Kelli put ornaments on her very own pink Christmas tree, she chewed on lights (along with Elliot) while Kelli and I strung them around our tree, and she pounded on presents and rolls of wrapping paper. She loves presents already and while we didn't go overboard, being her first year, it will be fun watching her tear into what Santa brings her on Christmas morning.
Charly's second Holiday experience came in meeting Santa Claus himself! Last year I helped my mom out by taking pictures of kids in Allison as they came into the library to sit on Santa's lap. This year I was going to do the same and we were going to bring Charly along. We didn't really know how this would go! She's not crazy about strangers and we were bracing for a meltdown.

Instead, she loved him! She sat on his lap and turned the pages of a book he was holding. She grinned from ear to ear and nuzzled her cheek into his beard. She posed for the camera and stole the show! After such a great experience, we think we may pass on the Mall Santa. We don't want to push our luck . . .

Charly's most recent Holiday experience was with babysitters. Last year we "Jingled and Mingled" on Main Street with Ashley and Beau. Beau and I held down the fort at Toads while the girls shopped. We sat and drank with lots of other married men who were occasionally greeted by wives, looking to unload shopping bags. It was a lot of fun. This year, we both have little ones, so Grandma, Great-Grandma, and Great-Grandpa came to babysit for a few hours. (Thursday night is Bowling Night for Grandpa!) Our friend Julie joined the girls while Beau and I, once again, held down the fort in Toads.

Saturday night, our good friends Chris and April had their annual Ugly Sweater Christmas Party. We rarely need babysitters as we drag Charly along most places we go, but for tonight, we thought a babysitter would make for an easier party. With Cruz getting baptized bright and early the following morning, we didn't want to ask my parents, and Kelli's folks were busy. So we were in need of a
real babysitter. Not just family! One we may even have to pay! Along came Haley to the rescue . . .
Mel, our daycare provider, has a junior high daughter who loves Charly. Kelli has to pry Charly out of Haley's arms most days after school when she picks her up. And the feeling is mutual, as it's obvious that Charly loves Haley. Haley offered to watch Charly, with Mel's help, so Saturday night we drove Charly to Mel's before the party. Her face lit up when Mel took her out of her carseat and she was even more excited when Haley took her away from Mel saying "You're not the babysitter mom!" The whole family was excited to have Charly there that night and seeing her all smiles couldn't have made us feel any better. She loves them all and they love her and it's comforting to know she has this "second family" of sorts.
We're looking forward to the rest of the Holiday season and the new traditions we plan on starting with Charly!
I'm trying to think of who the spectacles remind me of but I'm drawing a black… so I'll just pay attention to the doll in the rest of the photos.
By black I meant blank... oy.
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