Monday, September 27, 2010

10 Things We Love About You

Last Friday Charly turned 7 months. Here are 10 things from this month we learned and love about her . . .

10. Charly loves men. She's going through a phase where she's not too sure of anyone besides her mom and dad however we've noticed that between men and women, she sure tends to warm up to men quicker. If she was a little older, I think the college aged Fareway meat-man she was flirting with the other night, would've tried to get her number!

9. Charly is figuring out how her hands work. She'll study her hands, opening and closing, forever it seems. Not quite sure how those fingers are working. She seems to do it more often when she wants something and we swear there's been a few times where she's waved goodbye at a grandma or grandpa.

8. Charly crawls all over the house! One day, we noticed that Charly was pushing herself up on all fours and rocking back and forth. The next day she made her first moves, crawling forward and backwards. The following day, she was speed crawling throughout the entire house! She follows us everywhere. If we leave the room for even a brief instant, she's at our feet in a heartbeat. She can even sit herself upright from crawling and she does the splits!

7. She says "Mama". Or at least we think she does. It's kind of jibberish but it definitely sounds like a run-on of "Mama-mama-mama-mama" and she definitely mumbles it when she wants something. Or someone . . .

6. She's a good eater. She eats just about any kind of fruit or mixture of fruit (other than peaches), and is coming around on her vegetables. We don't try very hard at home but she gets her fill at daycare!

5. We love the way she wakes up in the morning. We hear movement in her room, slowly crack open the door, and every morning are greeted by her smiling face peeking over the railing of her crib. She can hardly contain herself with excitement as we pick her up out of the crib.

4. She can be surprisingly independent. She enjoys playing with her toys and sitting in her interactive saucer seat.

3. She's a cuddler! When Kelli picks her up at daycare the first thing she does is rub her cheek into Kelli's face and hold it there, cheek to cheek. She loves to play with our faces and refuses to fall asleep if we're not holding her.

2. She's still incredibly laid back. She ate bugs for crying out loud, and it didn't even phase her! She's easy to take places, she smiles and giggles all the time, and she rarely cries. Unless of course, a bunch of strange women enter our house for a baby shower. Then she cries a lot.

1. She holds her arms out to us when she wants to be picked up. It melts us everytime.


Ashley Jorgensen said...

Sweet post! Love this girl. Beau is missing his niece too...he hasn't seen her for awhile!

Kali said...

Love, love, LUV the green outfit.