One night while sitting around a fire with friends, we talked about how scary helpless babies are. It's odd to think of how successful the human race is, yet how helpless and dependent we all are at such a young age. This last month has been fun because it's become apparent that Charly is learning things. A lot of things. We see it every day. Obviously she's not walking and talking yet but at the rate she's going, that's probably right around the corner!
Charly started her fifth month by going to the Sturgis Falls parade. We went with April, Ryan, Megan and Charly's cousins Jackson and Griffin. Dad decided that he would attend no more parades in the future. It was long. It was hot. It was boring. And Charly didn't like the motorcycles!
When we returned from the parade, we rewarded Charly by feeding her cereal for the first time . . . and she LOVED it! She caught on quickly and gobbled the entire bowl up. She continues to eat cereal once a day and looks forward to these feedings. We can tell because her mouth opens wide the instant we start mixing her bowl. We've found the cereal really helps with her spitting up, which those of you who know Charly, know she liked to do this quite a bit!

We had heard Charly softly giggle before, but this month she's really let loose. She laughs hysterically when people are willing to make fools of themselves (usually her mom and her dad). It's interesting, the things that make her laugh. A goofy face. A staredown. Her Aunt Jodi bobbing her head from side to side and tossing her hair. Her Aunt Ashley nibbling on her toes. Even at 5 months, she has a fun sense of humor.

We celebrated the 4th of July with Charly at our friends Chris and April's. The week before, Chris shot some fireworks off and Charly was somewhat entertained by them. So we were excited to see how she'd respond to a much larger display. Unfortunately, before the party could really start a bunch of Black Cats blew up in Chris' hand. The loud echo in the garage freaked Charly out and she was on edge the rest of the night. Her mom was too, afraid the explosion damaged her little ear drums. They didn't. She can hear just fine. And later when Cedar Falls canceled their fireworks show, we shot a bunch of our own off outside. From inside the house, Charly didn't think they were so bad!

Charly has slept through the night for a few months now but on July 6th she took it one step further . . . she slept in her crib for the first time! And she's done so every night since! On most nights, I'm out to the world and Kelli is awake at every peep Charly makes. Kelli was reluctant to put Charly in the crib for this reason, fear of me sleeping and her awake checking on Charly all night long. Well as it happened, Kelli was the one out like a light and I'm the one who slept a total of two hours, checking on Charly eight times throughout the night. Funny thing is, Charly slept through the night, just like her mommy!

This little girl is getting quite the personality. She's stretching her vocal chords and talking all the time. Literally. Whether it's happily hollering through Home Depot, or fake coughing and spitting at my softball games, or jabbering through an episode of
Friday Night Lights, noise is constantly coming out of her mouth. We've discovered that keeping up our hobby of being TV junkies may be a bit more challenging now.
She grabs things, she kind of scoots backwards, she cut two front teeth and didn't fuss once (and celebrated with her first ice cream - just a taste - Italian gelato from
Scratch), she smiles on cue, and she's only 5 months. It's scary how fast she's growing and how aware she's becoming of the world around her. We're excited to see what new surprises are in store for us this month.
The top photo looks like a head shot for an actor. :) It's fun to get a giggle out of your stories and inspiring you're being honest about some parenthood unknowns. More importantly, when are the Henrichs' headed north?!
Soon K-Diz. Soon.
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