Sunday, May 23, 2010

Evidence of God's Love

Since Charly Grace was born, our church attendance has been sporadic to say the least. We broke her in last Sunday and learned we really shouldn't have been using her as an excuse. She loved it! She was wide-eyed while the band played and sleepy while the sermon was preached! Not once did she show any sign of impatience. She was her typical laid-back self.

Yesterday, the day of her baptism, was no different. She was hot, she was hungry, and she was sitting in the front row, mere feet from the church band yet she was quiet and wide-eyed, almost like she was anticipating what was to come. Even as Pastor Dave drenched her in water, with pools forming in her eyes, she remained calm and collected. (Her bath times have prepared her for this moment!) And just like Rafiki showed off Simba to the animal kingdom, Pastor Dave introduced Charly to her new church family by parading her up the center aisle in her pastel pink. The congregation loved her!

Later, as she drifted off to sleep during Pastor Dave's sermon (once again - we have to break her of that in the future!), his words took on new meaning to us now having her in our life. He spoke of how God's love lives through us and is evidenced by the things we do and the way we act (the fruits of our soul, given to us by God) . . . the unselfish love we have for Charly, the joy her smiles bring to us, the peace we feel while watching her sleep, the patience we exhibit while she fights sleep, the kindness and excitement shared by our family and friends, the way we strive to do good by her so she will in turn be good to others, the faithful support given by her new Godparents Chad, Jodi, Ashley, and Taylor, the gentle way we hold her in our arms, the self-control we show when bath time or feeding time doesn't quite go as planned . . . all of these feelings possible because of Him.


Ashley Jorgensen said...

Kudos to Beau on the pictures...very photo journalistic :)

Jordan Henrichs said...

No kidding . . . that man has many talents!

Kali said...

Congratulations Charly… and Mom and Dad! Beautifully written and photographed.